================================================================================ Org Mode Reference Card (for version ) ================================================================================ ================================================================================ Getting Started ================================================================================ To read the on-line documentation try M-x org-info ================================================================================ Visibility Cycling ================================================================================ rotate current subtree between states TAB rotate entire buffer between states S-TAB restore property-dependent startup visibility C-u C-u TAB show the whole file, including drawers C-u C-u C-u TAB reveal context around point C-c C-r toggle indented view M-x org-indent-mode ================================================================================ Motion ================================================================================ next/previous heading C-c C-n/p next/previous heading, same level C-c C-f/b backward to higher level heading C-c C-u jump to another place in document C-c C-j previous/next plain list item S-UP/DOWN\notetwo ================================================================================ Structure Editing ================================================================================ insert new heading/item at current level M-RET insert new heading after subtree C-RET insert new TODO entry/checkbox item M-S-RET insert TODO entry/ckbx after subtree C-S-RET turn (head)line into item, cycle item type C-c - turn item/line into headline C-c * promote/demote heading M-LEFT/RIGHT promote/demote current subtree M-S-LEFT/RIGHT move subtree/list item up/down M-UP/DOWN move the line at point up/down M-S-UP/DOWN sort subtree/region/plain-list C-c ^ clone a subtree C-c C-x c copy visible parts of the region C-c C-x v kill/copy subtree C-c C-x C-w/M-w yank subtree C-c C-x C-y or C-y narrow buffer to subtree / widen C-x n s/w ================================================================================ Capture - Refile - Archiving ================================================================================ capture a new item (C-u C-u = goto last) C-c c \noteone refile subtree (C-u C-u = goto last) C-c C-w archive subtree using the default command C-c C-x C-a move subtree to archive file C-c C-x C-s toggle ARCHIVE tag / to ARCHIVE sibling C-c C-x a/A force cycling of an ARCHIVEd tree C-c C-TAB ================================================================================ Filtering and Sparse Trees ================================================================================ construct a sparse tree by various criteria C-c / view TODO's in sparse tree C-c / t/T global TODO list in agenda mode C-c a t \noteone ================================================================================ Tables ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Creating a table -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- just start typing, e.g. |Name|Phone|Age RET |- TAB convert region to table C-c | ... separator at least 3 spaces C-3 C-c | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commands available inside tables -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following commands work when the cursor is inside a table. Outside of tables, the same keys may have other functionality. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Re-aligning and field motion -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- re-align the table without moving the cursor C-c C-c re-align the table, move to next field TAB move to previous field S-TAB re-align the table, move to next row RET move to beginning/end of field M-a/e -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Row and column editing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- move the current column left M-LEFT/RIGHT kill the current column M-S-LEFT insert new column to left of cursor position M-S-RIGHT move the current row up/down M-UP/DOWN kill the current row or horizontal line M-S-UP insert new row above the current row M-S-DOWN insert hline below (C-u : above) current row C-c - insert hline and move to line below it C-c RET sort lines in region C-c ^ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cut/copy/paste rectangular region C-c C-x C-w/M-w/C-y -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- to limit column width to N characters, use ...| |... edit the current field in a separate window C-c ` make current field fully visible C-u TAB export as tab-separated file M-x org-table-export import tab-separated file M-x org-table-import sum numbers in current column/rectangle C-c + -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tables created with the table.el package -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- insert a new table.el table C-c ~ recognize existing table.el table C-c C-c convert table (Org-mode <-> table.el) C-c ~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spreadsheet -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Formulas typed in field are executed by TAB, RET and C-c C-c. = introduces a column formula, := a field formula. Example: Add Col1 and Col2 |=$1+$2 | ... with printf format specification |=$1+$2;%.2f| ... with constants from constants.el |=$1/$c/$cm | sum from 2nd to 3rd hline |:=vsum(@II..@III)| apply current column formula | = | set and eval column formula C-c = set and eval field formula C-u C-c = re-apply all stored equations to current line C-c * re-apply all stored equations to entire table C-u C-c * iterate table to stability C-u C-u C-c * rotate calculation mark through # * ! ^ _ $ C-# show line, column, formula reference C-c ? toggle grid / debugger C-c }/{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Formula Editor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- edit formulas in separate buffer C-c ' exit and install new formulas C-c C-c exit, install, and apply new formulas C-u C-c C-c abort C-c C-q toggle reference style C-c C-r pretty-print Lisp formula TAB complete Lisp symbol M-TAB shift reference point S-cursor shift test line for column references M-up/down scroll the window showing the table M-S-up/down toggle table coordinate grid C-c } ================================================================================ Links ================================================================================ globally store link to the current location C-c l \noteone insert a link (TAB completes stored links) C-c C-l insert file link with file name completion C-u C-c C-l edit (also hidden part of) link at point C-c C-l open file links in emacs C-c C-o ...force open in emacs/other window C-u C-c C-o open link at point mouse-1/2 ...force open in emacs/other window mouse-3 record a position in mark ring C-c % jump back to last followed link(s) C-c & find next link C-c C-x C-n find previous link C-c C-x C-p edit code snippet of file at point C-c ' toggle inline display of linked images C-c C-x C-v ================================================================================ Working with Code (Babel) ================================================================================ execute code block at point C-c C-c open results of code block at point C-c C-o check code block at point for errors C-c C-v c insert a header argument with completion C-c C-v j view expanded body of code block at point C-c C-v v view information about code block at point C-c C-v I go to named code block C-c C-v g go to named result C-c C-v r go to the head of the current code block C-c C-v u go to the next code block C-c C-v n go to the previous code block C-c C-v p demarcate a code block C-c C-v d execute next key sequence in code edit buffer C-c C-v x execute all code blocks in current buffer C-c C-v b execute all code blocks in current subtree C-c C-v s tangle code blocks in current file C-c C-v t tangle code blocks in supplied file C-c C-v f ingest all code blocks in supplied file into the C-c C-v i switch to the session of the current code block C-c C-v z load the current code block into a session C-c C-v l view sha1 hash of the current code block C-c C-v a ================================================================================ Completion and Template Insertion ================================================================================ In-buffer completion completes TODO keywords at headline start, TeX macros after `\', option keywords after `#-', TAGS after `:', and dictionary words elsewhere. complete word at point M-TAB structure template (insert or wrap region) C-c C-, ================================================================================ TODO Items and Checkboxes ================================================================================ rotate the state of the current item C-c C-t select next/previous state \quad\quad S-LEFT/RIGHT select next/previous set \quad\quad\quad C-S-LEFT/RIGHT toggle ORDERED property C-c C-x o view TODO items in a sparse tree C-c / t view 3rd TODO keyword's sparse tree C-3 C-c / t set the priority of the current item C-c , [ABC] remove priority cookie from current item C-c , SPC raise/lower priority of current item S-UP/DOWN\notetwo insert new checkbox item in plain list M-S-RET toggle checkbox(es) in region/entry/at point C-c C-x C-b toggle checkbox at point C-c C-c update checkbox statistics (C-u : whole file) C-c # ================================================================================ Tags ================================================================================ set tags for current heading C-c C-q realign tags in all headings C-u C-c C-q create sparse tree with matching tags C-c \\ globally (agenda) match tags at cursor C-c C-o ================================================================================ Properties and Column View ================================================================================ set property/effort C-c C-x p/e special commands in property lines C-c C-c next/previous allowed value S-LEFT/RIGHT turn on column view C-c C-x C-c capture columns view in dynamic block C-c C-x x quit column view q show full value v edit value e next/previous allowed value n/p or S-LEFT/RIGHT edit allowed values list a make column wider/narrower > / < move column left/right M-LEFT/RIGHT add new column M-S-RIGHT Delete current column M-S-LEFT ================================================================================ Timestamps ================================================================================ prompt for date and insert timestamp C-c . like C-c . but insert date and time format C-u C-c . like C-c . but make stamp inactive C-c ! insert DEADLINE timestamp C-c C-d insert SCHEDULED timestamp C-c C-s create sparse tree with all deadlines due C-c / d the time between 2 dates in a time range C-c C-y change timestamp at cursor ±1 day \quad\quad\quad\quad S-RIGHT/LEF change year/month/day at cursor by ±1 S-UP/DOWN \notetwo access the calendar for the current date C-c > insert timestamp matching date in calendar C-c < access agenda for current date C-c C-o select date while prompted mouse-1/RET toggle custom format display for dates/times C-c C-x C-t -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clocking time -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- start clock on current item C-c C-x C-i stop/cancel clock on current item C-c C-x C-o/x display total subtree times C-c C-x C-d remove displayed times C-c C-c insert/update table with clock report C-c C-x C-x ================================================================================ Agenda Views ================================================================================ add/move current file to front of agenda C-c [ remove current file from your agenda C-c ] cycle through agenda file list C-' set/remove restriction lock C-c C-x compile agenda for the current week C-c a a \noteone compile global TODO list C-c a t \noteone compile TODO list for specific keyword C-c a T \noteone match tags, TODO kwds, properties C-c a m \noteone match only in TODO entries C-c a M \noteone find stuck projects C-c a # \noteone configure custom commands C-c a C \noteone agenda for date at cursor C-c C-o -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commands available in an agenda buffer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- View Org file -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- show original location of item SPC/mouse-3 show and recenter window L goto original location in other window TAB/mouse-2 goto original location, delete other windows RET show subtree in indirect buffer, ded.\ frame C-c C-x b toggle follow-mode F -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Change display -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- delete other windows o view mode dispatcher v switch to day/week/month/year/def view d w vm vy vSP toggle diary entries / time grid / habits D / G / K toggle entry text / clock report E / R toggle display of logbook entries l / v l/L/c toggle inclusion of archived trees/files v a/A refresh agenda buffer with any changes r / g filter with respect to a tag / save all org-mode buffers s display next/previous day,week,... f / b goto today / some date (prompt) . / j -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remote editing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- digit argument 0-9 change state of current TODO item t kill item and source C-k archive default $ / a refile the subtree C-c C-w set/show tags of current headline : / T set effort property (prefix=nth) e set / compute priority of current item , / P raise/lower priority of current item S-UP/DOWN\notetwo run an attachment command C-c C-a schedule/set deadline for this item C-c C-s/d change timestamp one day earlier/later S-LEFT/RIGHT\notetwo change timestamp to today > insert new entry into diary i start/stop/cancel the clock on current item I / O / X jump to running clock entry J mark / unmark / execute bulk action m / u / B -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Misc -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- follow one or offer all links in current entry C-c C-o -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Calendar commands -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- find agenda cursor date in calendar c compute agenda for calendar cursor date c show phases of the moon M show sunrise/sunset times S show holidays H convert date to other calendars C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quit and Exit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- quit agenda, remove agenda buffer q exit agenda, remove all agenda buffers x ================================================================================ LaTeX and cdlatex-mode ================================================================================ preview LaTeX fragment C-c C-x C-l expand abbreviation (cdlatex-mode) TAB insert/modify math symbol (cdlatex-mode) ` / ' insert citation using RefTeX C-c C-x [ ================================================================================ Exporting and Publishing ================================================================================ Exporting creates files with extensions .txt and .html in the current directory. Publishing puts the resulting file into some other place. export/publish dispatcher C-c C-e toggle asynchronous export C-c C-e C-a toggle body/visible only export C-c C-e C-b/v toggle subtree export C-c C-e C-s insert template of export options C-c C-e # toggle fixed width for entry or region C-c : toggle pretty display of scripts, entities C-c C-x {\tt\char`\} Lines starting with # and subtrees starting with COMMENT are never exported. toggle COMMENT keyword on entry C-c ; ================================================================================ Dynamic Blocks ================================================================================ update dynamic block at point C-c C-x C-u update all dynamic blocks C-u C-c C-x C-u ================================================================================ Notes ================================================================================ [1] This is only a suggestion for a binding of this command. Choose your own key as shown under ACTIVATION. [2] Keybinding affected by org-support-shift-select and also org-replace-disputed-keys.