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Upgrading to Org 8.0 or the current master branch

1. Introduction

The release of Org-mode 8.0 (and the git repository master branch, as of commit 1cac3127c) uses a new export framework, developed by Nicolas Goaziou. This document provides information on general changes to Org, as well as the steps needed to update your configuration properly.

If the instructions below do not help solving your problem, please ask any question on the mailing list. Keep in mind that the new export framework is under heavy development, and posting to the mailing list will help not only to resolve your issues, but also make sure that documentation is properly udpated for the benefit of others with similar issues.

This page serves as an upgrade guide for the changes widely affecting users. Please refer to the new exporter overview, which contains an up to date list of Org-mode exporters, and links to backend-specific setup and usage details.

2. Files moved to contrib/

These files have been moved to the contrib/ directory.

  • org-colview-xemacs.el
  • org-mew.el
  • org-wl.el
  • org-w3m.el
  • org-vm.el
  • ox-taskjuggler.el (was org-taskjuggler.el)
  • ox-freemind.el (was org-freemind.el)

If you were using them, you need to add the contrib/lisp directory of the Org distribution to the Emacs load-path.

3. Original announcement of the new exporter

The most comprehensive overview of the new exporter may be found in Nicolas' merge announcement in this email to the mailing list. Please scan the post, as you may find answers to your questions there.

4. Updating global export configuration options

Global export options start with the org-export-* prefix, most of them are in the ox.el file.

Most generic export options should not require any changes. If you find that a generic option is useless or broken or badly documented in the manual, please report it to the list.

5. Backend-specific configuration options

Backend-specific options are now defined via the convention ox-backend-*. For example:

  • org-html-* for HTML and live in ox-html.el
  • org-latex-* for LaTeX and live in ox-latex.el
  • Etc.

There is a new variable org-export-backends which controls what backends are loaded when you lauch Org. By default, the ASCII, HTML and LaTeX are loaded; in contrast with the old exporter behavior, others will need to be explicitly loaded in order to use them. See the upgrade section for instructions.

5.1. HTML-specific changes

Some html-specific options were renamed more signficantly or deleted. Examine this table and update accordingly:

Org 7.9.3f (maint) Master (8.0)
org-export-html-style org-html-head
org-export-html-style-extra org-html-head-extra
org-export-html-style-default org-html-head-include-default-style
org-export-html-style-include-scripts org-html-head-include-scripts
org-export-htmlized-org-css-url org-org-htmlized-css-url (in ox-org.el
org-export-html-headline-anchor-format Deleted
org-export-html-date-format-string Deleted
org-export-html-content-div Deleted
org-export-html-html-helper-timestamp Deleted

5.2. Org publishing specific changes

Some changes also specifically affect org-publish-project-alist settings. The publishing functions are not loaded until the corresponding backend has been loaded. You need to update org-publish-project-alist and to use the function from the new publishing engine in the table below:

Old publishing engine New publishing engine
org-publish-org-to-html org-html-publish-to-html
org-publish-org-to-org org-org-publish-to-org
org-publish-org-to-latex org-latex-publish-to-latex

To specify a style for the project :style keyword changes to :html-head

If something does not work, please report it on the mailing list.

6. Upgrading your setup

The practical implication for users upgrading from Org-mode < version 7.9.4f is two-fold:

  • You must search your configuration for the existence of varaibles starting with org-export- and change their names (e.g. org-export-html-validation-link is now org-html-validation-link). See sections below changes specific to the HTML and Publishing backends.
  • If you use exporters in addition to ASCII, HTML, and/or LaTeX, you need to load them explicitly in your config via one of two ways (refer to Nicolas' announcement, section 3 on Installation, for explanation of the two methods):

1: Load exporter upon first export execution per session

setq org-export-backends (quote (

2: Loading all listed exporters upon Emacs startup

(require 'ox-beamer)
(require 'ox-md)
(require 'ox-taskjuggler)

Note: Please stick to one of the above two methods!

6.1. Using Org 7.9.3f or earlier versions of Org

For users who used the new exporter prior to its integration into the current master branch, here are some additional steps you may need to do in order to upgrade properly:

  1. Issue make clean before git pull and any changes to your configuration.
  2. If you had already been using the new exporter from contrib, you should remove the following lines from your

    ORG_ADD_CONTRIB = org-e-*
  3. Export engine renamed from org-export to ox
  4. Backend requires renamed org-e-* to ox-*
  5. All backend specific variables and functions renamed:
    • org-export-* to org-* (e.g. org-html-xml-declaration, ..)
    • org-e-* to org-* (e.g. org-latex-classes, org-ascii-bullets, ..)
  6. Generic export variables retain the name org-export-*, (e.g. org-export-dispatch-use-expert-ui, org-export-filter-headline-functions, ..)
  7. org-latex-to-pdf-process renamed org-latex-pdf-process
  8. This is a guess, export snippets and backend symbols renamed:
    • e-<backend> to <backend>

Again, please refer to Nicolas' announcement about the merge for more details.

7. New global keywords

7.1. New #+TOC keyword

In the exporting of a table of contents, options only allowed for setting the level of the deepest table of contents headline, like so:


Upon export, only first and second level headlines would be included in the generated table of contents. With the new exporter, a dedicated #+TOC now exists which allows for futher customization: adding table of contents, lists of tables, and lists of listings at specific locations during export.

#+TOC: headlines 2
#+TOC: tables
#+TOC: listings

See the Table of contents section in the manual for more information.

8. Syntax changes

8.1. Export snippets

Export snippets are a generalization of @<tag> concept, which has been removed, and the inline version of #+begin_backend...#+end_backend blocks.

Their syntax is @@backend:value where backend is the targetted export backend (e.g. html) and value can contain anything but @@.

When export is done with backend, the snippet is replaced with value, otherwise it is removed. Whitespace characters around the construct are never deleted.

8.2. Footnote definitions

A footnote definition (not inline) can now be ended with two consecutive blank lines.

As a consequence, multiple paragraphs inside can be written normally, separated with blank lines, instead of relying on the \par command.

8.3. Org-mode per-file options

  • The #+STYLE option is now specified with #+HTML_HEAD
  • Using #+SETUPFILE: file versus #+INCLUDE: "file".

    #+INCLUDE: keyword requires quotes around the file name. Those are optional in #+SETUPFILE:.

    There is now also a clear difference between these two statements. The first will only read keyword statements like #+TODO: and use this to set up the current file. The second will pull in the entire content of the file during export. The #+INCLUDE: statement will make every headline in the included file will be a child of the headline containing the include keyword. You can overwrite this behaviour with :minlevel num parameter.

  • Attribute lines now take plists (similar to Babel code block syntax):

    #+attr_latex: :width 5cm
    #+attr_beamer: :options width=5cm
    #+attr_html: :width 200px

    TIP: To upgrade from old attr_html lines with verbatim HTML attribute syntax, you could try a Perl one-liner like the following, replacing with your file (or a bunch of files with *.org if you're feeling adventurous – no warranty, make sure you're backed up first!).

    perl -i.bak -pe "s/([a-z]+)=(\"|')(.*?)\2/:\1 \3/g if /^#\+attr_html/i"
  • Beamer backend now interprets nested headline levels as blocks instead of lists. For more guidance, see this page.

Documentation from the website (either in its HTML format or in its Org format) is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3 or later. The code examples and css stylesheets are licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 or later.