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An Org-mode Demo

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Adapted from An Sweave Demo by Charles J. Geyer.

This is a demo for using Org-babel to produce LaTeX documents with embedded R code. To get started fire up Emacs and create a text file with the .org suffix. You should see Org-mode become your major mode – denoted by Org in your status bar.

Press C-c C-e while viewing this Org-mode buffer and you will see a menu appear with options for export to a variety target formats – herein we'll only consider export to LaTeX.

So now we have a more complicated file chain $$

\begin{CD} \texttt{} @>\texttt{Org-mode}>> \texttt{foo.tex} @>\texttt{latex}>> \texttt{foo.dvi} @>\texttt{xdvi}>> \text{view of document} \end{CD}

$$ and what have we accomplished other than making it twice as annoying to the WYSIWYG crowds (having to use both Org-mode and latex to get anything that looks like the document)?

Well, we can now include R in our document. Here's a simple example

2 + 2

What I actually typed in was

#+begin_src R :exports both
  2 + 2

This is a "code block" to be processed by Org-babel. When Org-babel hits such a thing, it processes it, runs R to get the results, and stuffs the output in the LaTeX file it is creating. The LaTeX between code chunks is copied verbatim (except for in-line src code, about which see below). Hence to create a active document you just write plain old text interspersed with "code blocks" which are plain old R.

Plots get a little more complicated. First we make something to plot (simulated regression data).

n <- 50
x <- seq(1, n)
a.true <- 3
b.true <- 1.5
y.true <- a.true + b.true * x
s.true <- 17.3
y <- y.true + s.true * rnorm(n)
out1 <- lm(y ~ x)

(for once we won't show the code chunk itself, look at if you want to see what the actual code chunk was).

Figure \ref{fig:one} (p. \pageref{fig:one}) is produced by the following code

plot(x, y)

Note that x, y, and out1 are remembered from the preceding code chunk. We don't have to regenerate them. All code chunks are part of one R "session".


Now this was a little tricky. We did this with two code chunks, one visible and one invisible. First we did

#+name: fig1plot
#+begin_src R :exports code :file fig1plot.pdf
  plot(x, y)

where the :exports code indicates that only the return value (not code) should be exported and the #+name: fig1plot gives the code block a name (to be used later). And "later" is almost immediate. Next we did

#+name: fig1
#+begin_src R :exports results :noweb yes :file fig1.pdf

In this code block the :file fig1.pdf header argument indicates that the block generates a figure. Org-babel automagically makes a PDF file for the figure, and Org-mode handles the export to LaTeX. The <<fig1plot>> is an example of "code block reuse". It means that we reuse the code of the code chunk named fig1plot. The :exports results in the code block means just what it says (we've already seen the code—it was produced by the preceding chunk—and we don't want to see it again, we only want to see the results). It is important that we observe the DRY/SPOT rule (don't repeat yourself or single point of truth) and only have one bit of code for generating the plot. What the reader sees is guaranteed to be the code that made the plot. If we had used cut-and-paste, just repeating the code, the duplicated code might get out of sync after edits. The rest of this should be recognizable to anyone who has ever done a LaTeX figure.

So making a figure is a bit more complicated in some ways, but much simpler than others. Note the following virtues

Note that if you don't care to show the R code to make the figure, it is simpler still. Figure \ref{fig:two} shows another plot. What I actually typed in was

#+name: fig2
#+begin_src R :exports results :file fig2.pdf
  out3 <- lm(y ~ x + I(x^2) + I(x^3))
  plot(x, y)
  curve(predict(out3, newdata=data.frame(x=x)), add = TRUE)


Now we just excluded the code for the plot from the figure (with :exports results so it doesn't show).

Also note that every time we re-export Figures \ref{fig:one} and \ref{fig:two} change, the latter conspicuously (because the simulated data are random). Everything just works. This should tell you the main virtue of Org-babel. It's always correct. There is never a problem with stale cut-and-paste.

Simple numbers can be plugged into the text with the src_R command, for example, the quadratic and cubic regression coefficients in the preceding regression were β_2 = and β_3 = . Just magic! What I actually typed in was

were \beta_2 = src_R{round(out3$coef[3], 4)}
and \beta_3 = src_R{round(out3$coef[4], 4)}

The xtable command is used to make tables. (The following is the Org-babel output of another code block that we don't explicitly show. Look at for details.)

out2 <- lm(y ~ x + I(x^2))
foo <- anova(out1, out2, out3)
foo <- as.matrix(foo)

So now we are ready to turn the matrix foo into Table \ref{tab:one} using the R chunk

#+begin_src R :results output latex :exports results
  xtable(foo, caption = "ANOVA Table", label = "tab:one",
      digits = c(0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 3, 3))

(note the difference between arguments to the xtable function and to the xtable method of the print function)

To summarize, Org-babel is terrific, so important that soon we'll not be able to get along without it. Its virtues are

Whether we're talking about homework, a consulting report, a textbook, or a research paper. If they involve computing and statistics, this is the way to do it.

Documentation from the website (either in its HTML format or in its Org format) is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3 or later. The code examples and css stylesheets are licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 or later.