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Man Pages and PDF export

Org mode provides the ability to export files marked with the Groff Man Pages (-man) set. With additional processing it can turn these files into PDF files that can be used for general distribution.

Groff is used for the generation of man pages. But writing those pages may be an intimidating task. With this export mode, Org mode structured editing and facilities are available to facilitate the creation of these pages.

1. To use this feature

Include (require 'ox-man) in your .emacs file. This feature only works with the new org-export facility.

2. Header and sectioning structure

There is only one type of document available to create man pages, therefore there are no classes. However the following customizations are available:

  • The #+TITLE: line is used to set the name of the command in the Man page's title line.
  • The #+MAN_CLASS_OPTIONS: line contains one available option:
    Defines the section id to be placed in the Man Page. Defaults to "1". (string)

3. Man export commands

M-x org-man-export-to-man
Converts buffer to a man page the assumptions that it was Org mode syntax. For an Org file like the Groff file will be The file will be overwritten without warning.
M-x org-man-export-to-pdf
Converts buffer to a PDF file under the assumptions that it was Org mode syntax. It uses Groff as its typesetter engine.

4. Tables in Man export

Groff uses the tbl preprocessor for table exports but the Groff export process also supports the specification of labels, captions and table options with the use of the #+ATTR_MAN: line. The following options are available to modify table behavior.

Places vertical bars between the different columns. (boolean)
Defines where the table will be placed in the line. There are two possible values: center or left. (symbol)
Defines the box type. (symbol) The following values are supported:
Creates a border only. Default
Creates a border with two lines.
Creates a table in which all cells are divided.
No borders.
Forces the first row to be centered bold. (boolean)
Captions are placed by default. This will disable its creation. (boolean)
Expands the table across the width of the page.

The Groff export will honor columns definitions placed on top of a given table in Org mode and propagates those definitions as tbl commands.

Man pages do support the use of tables, however the definition in man.conf needs to invoke tbl when the man command is executed. This is to ensure that tables are rendered correctly.

5. Source highlight in Man export

Man export supports source highlight. See Source highlight in Groff export for details on how to configure this feature in your system.

One important difference is the name of the variable used to enable its use, the name is org-e-man-source-highlight. Albeit its name is analogous for the one used in the Groff export, the name indicates its used to be specific for Man pages.

6. Embedded Groff commands for Man exports.

Groff commands can be exported literally by surrounding the text on a pair of #+BEGIN_MAN/#+END_MAN lines. These are a couple of commands that can be useful during export to control the output.


Page break. Skips to a new page.



EQN escape. This is used to add equations in your exported document. The Groff export uses the eqn processor to add them in your output. EQN statements must be placed between .EQ and .EN.



Example start and end. Text must be placed between .EX and .EE. Using #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE/#+END_EXAMPLE or #+begin_src dummy/#+end_src does the same with commands that are compatible on all platforms.

7. Man export limitations

The following items are partially or not supported during Man pages exports.

Images are not supported.
These are not used on export. They are implemented using .nf/.fi pairs for compatibility with legacy systems. Use embedded Man Pages commands to use these.
.UR/UE and .MT/ME
These are not used on export to ensure support with legacy systems. Use embedded Man Pages commands to use these.
These are not used on export. Use embedded Man pages commands to use these.

Documentation from the website (either in its HTML format or in its Org format) is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3 or later. The code examples and css stylesheets are licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 or later.