I also have to manually remove the a4 option.  It's not hard to do, but I cannot directly export to pdf because of this. 

On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 5:18 AM, Russell Adams <RLAdams@adamsinfoserv.com> wrote:
That default just requires some customization. I already use my own
header/footer code, so I've nixed it.

I would surely like to see how you've done this.  Speculating, perhaps I could go through the latex export code and find out.  It might be interesting to have two or more kinds of header.  I've worked out a cheesy memo export using remember templates. 

As an alternative, it would be interesting to drop into a buffer in (auctex) LaTeX mode with the content, as the current alternatives leave some further work to do.



A man's reach should exceed his grasp.
      -- Robert Browning