From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 From: Philipp Haselwarter Subject: Re: html email, math formulas Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2012 15:00:19 +0200 Message-ID: <> References: <> <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="United-Nations/infowar/nitrate/domestic-disruption/ANC/jaBBE1sZDp" Return-path: To: Cc: List-Id: --United-Nations/infowar/nitrate/domestic-disruption/ANC/jaBBE1sZDp Content-Type: text/plain On Thu, Mar 22 2012 22:56 (@1332453399), Uwe Brauer wrote: >>> On Thu, 22 Mar 2012 22:37:10 +0100, Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen > wrote: > > > Uwe Brauer writes: > > [...] > > >> (concat "ltxpng/" (file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory > >> buffer-file-name))) > > > Org mode assumes that the buffer has a file associated with it. Which > > it doesn't. But you can just bind `buffer-file-name' to something. > > Probably anything will work. "", for instance. > Right!!! That it was, many thanks, I recommend including > that code in gnus, but maybe I am really the only one > interested. > As in plain-text mail with TeX support? *want* > > Another thing which is related but concerns sending email. > While I can of course use (and in fact I do very often) the > TeX-to-char function for outgoing email which allows to send > converted symbols such-as and then can be read by other > email programs, the same is not true of > org-preview-latex-fragments, since it saves the png in a > subdirectory. > > > I wrote a relative simple function which attaches all the > relevant png, but the result looks ugly. The reason is that > the mail is sent in principle as plain text, with embedded > png. > > Now I learnt about 2 extensions for Thunderbird, which rely > on the same idea however their result looks much nicer since > they use htmlized email (which I normally dislike) so in > short will gnus at some point allow and support html email. I think `org-mime-org-buffer-htmlize' and `org-mime-htmlize' from org-mode/contrib/org-mime.el by Eric Schulte are able to handle composing rich html mail. >From a quick test, it seems to /almost/ work: - images get attached, depending on the mail client they may or may not get displayed inline (Gnus shows them inline, roundcube below the message body) - /css/ and /js/ appears to be missing, which breaks pretty formatting of code-blocks and mathjax for TeX. Setting #+OPTIONS: LaTeX:dvipng as suggested by the Org info manual causes an error about a missing temp-file. The file used for this test is attached. Maybe these are just configuration quirks and could easily be dealt with by setting the right options in org, or someone familiar with `org-mime' could take a look at what's going wrong? -- Philipp Haselwarter --United-Nations/infowar/nitrate/domestic-disruption/ANC/jaBBE1sZDp Content-Type: application/vnd.lotus-organizer Content-Disposition: attachment; Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 IytPUFRJT05TOiBeOnt9LCBIOjEsIHRvYzpuaWwsIExhVGVYOmR2aXBuZwoqKiBwYXJ0IDEuMgog ICBGb3IgMCA8PSBtIDw9IDUgdGhlIHBsb3RzIGRvIG1ha2Ugc2Vuc2UgKDAgc2ltcGx5IHJlcHJl c2VudHMgdGhlCiAgIG1lYW4pLgogICBGb3IgbSA9IDE5LCB0aGUgaW50ZXJwb2xhdGlvbiBiZXR3 ZWVuIC0wLjcgYW5kIDAuMyBsb29rcyBxdWl0ZQogICByZWFzb25hYmxlLCBidXQgb3V0c2lkZSB0 aGlzIGludGVydmFsIHRoZSBwb2x5bm9taWFsIGRpc3BsYXlzIHNwaWtlcwogICBub3QgY29oZXJl bnQgd2l0aCB0aGUgc2FtcGxlIGRhdGEgd2hpY2ggZGVtb25zdHJhdGVzIGhvdyBNTEUgaXMKICAg cHJvbmUgdG8gb3ZlcmZpdHRpbmcuCioqIHBhcnQgMS4zCiAgIFRoZSB0cmFpbmluZyBlcnJvciBp cyBtaW5pbWFsIGZvciBtID0gMjAsIHRoZSB0ZXN0aW5nIGVycm9yIGZvciBtID0gMTMuCiAgIFtb Li9wYXJ0XzEuMy1maWd1cmUxLnBuZ11dCgogICBHaXZlbiB0aGUgZGlzdHJpYnV0aW9uIG9mIHRo ZSBkYXRhIHBvaW50cyBpdCBzZWVtcyB1bmxpa2VseSB0aGF0IHRoZQogICBwcmVkaWN0aW9uIHdp bGwgYmUgdmFsaWQgb3V0c2lkZSBbLS45LCAuOV0uCioqIHBhcnQgMi4yCiAgIEZvciBtID0gMjAg dGhlIGludGVycG9sYXRpb24gc3RpbGwgc3VmZmVycyBmcm9tIG92ZXJmaXR0aW5nLCBpdAogICB0 cmllcyB0byBtYXRjaCB0b28gbWFueSB0ZXN0IHBvaW50cy4KKiogcGFydCAzCiAgIFxiZWdpbntl cXVhdGlvbn0KICAgd197bWFwfSA9IHsoXHNpZ21hXzBeMkFeVEEgKyBcc2lnbWFeMklkKX1eey0x fXtcc2lnbWFfMF4yQV5UeX0KICAgXGVuZHtlcXVhdGlvbn0KIytodG1sOiA8cCBzdHlsZT0icGFn ZS1icmVhay1iZWZvcmU6IGFsd2F5cyI+CioqIHBhcnQgNAojK2luY2x1ZGUgIm1haW4ubSIgOmxp bmVzICIyMDQtMjA3IiBzcmMgbWF0bGFiCioqKiBzdGFuZGFyZCBoeXBlcnBhcmFtZXRlcnMKIytj YXB0aW9uOiBIeXBlcnBhcmFtZXRlciB2YWx1ZXM6IHY9MTAwLCB2XzA9NDAwCiAgIFtbLi9wYXJ0 XzQucG5nXV0KIytodG1sOiA8cCBzdHlsZT0icGFnZS1icmVhay1iZWZvcmU6IGFsd2F5cyI+Cioq KiBvdmVyZml0dGluZwojK2NhcHRpb246IEh5cGVycGFyYW1ldGVyIHZhbHVlczogdj0xLCB2XzA9 NDAwCiAgIFtbLi9wYXJ0XzQtb3ZlcmZpdC5wbmddXQoKCg== --United-Nations/infowar/nitrate/domestic-disruption/ANC/jaBBE1sZDp--