Hi Erwin, At Tue, 02 Feb 2010 20:43:27 +0100, Erwin Panen wrote: > > Hi David, > > Thanks for replying; > I don't understand what you mean. I was not aware off url-encoding, but found help here: http://www.eskimo.com/~bloo/ > indexdot/html/topics/urlencoding.htm > So far so good. > The way I interpret this is that I can 'replace' [square brackets] in orgmode  with %5Bsquare brackets%5D That's exactly what I meant. The behaviour you notice when /not/ encoding the square brackets is absolutely correct because of the way Orgmode works: If you display a file in org-mode, the Orgmode functions interpret the file's content and change the way certain portions of the file look ("folding" of the link, i.e. only display the description) and what you can do on this regions (i.e. open the link). So there is for instance a pattern that "tells" Orgmode that something is a link: [[]] is recognized as a link with a target (first set of characters) and a description (second set of characters). If there are literal square brackets in either the description or the target, Orgmode simply does not recognize the string as a link. The same principle (interpreting strings/a sequence of characters) causes Orgmode to recognize the [32] as a footnote. Why? Because there is a definition that says the "a number between two square brakets is a footnote". > However when I try this, org does not 'convert' to a link...? What > am I missing? Strange. What Emacs and Orgmode version do you use?[1] I use "GNU Emacs (i486-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.18.6) of 2010-01-31 on elegiac, modified by Debian" with "Org-mode version 6.34trans (release_6.34c.65.g45c58)" For me encoding the square brackets in the link name with %5B and %5D works. That is: Emacs/Orgmode "collapses" the link and only displays the description part. ,---- | [[\\Dcerouter\public\videos\STORY_Station (sdb1)-CORE %5B32%5D\Les Rivières Pourpres 720x304\The Crimson Rivers.mkv][The Crimson Rivers.mkv]] `---- gives: ,---- | The Crimson Rivers.mkv `---- Regards, -- David [1] To find out your version simply execute "org-version" (M-x org-version RET) and "emacs-version" (M-x emacs-version RET) and switch to the buffer called "*Messages*" to see the version strings of Emacs and Orgmode. -- OpenPGP... 0x99ADB83B5A4478E6 Jabber.... dmjena@jabber.org Email..... maus.david@gmail.com