Fixed, thanks.

- Carsten

-----Original Message-----
From: Manuel Hermenegildo on behalf of Manuel Hermenegildo
Sent: Tue 6/3/2008 1:19 PM
To: Dominik, C.
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] global tags for a file

I am not sure the new and very useful FILETAGS functionality is
working. If I write in a simple file just the two lines:

#+FILETAGS: :foo:
* Hello

put the cursor on 'Hello' and run:

(org-get-tags-at (point))

I get nil, but I should get foo, right? Or am I doing something wrong?


 Manuel Hermenegildo                     |              Prof., C.S. Department
 Director, IMDEA-Software and CLIP Group |                T.U. of Madrid (UPM)            | +34-91-336-7435 (W) -352-4819 (Fax)