On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 2:42 PM, Julien Danjou <julien@danjou.info> wrote:
On Wed, Feb 09 2011, John Hendy wrote:

You add what you want. Org-contacts does not care at all. It just use
some fields like EMAIL for Gnus completion, so it has to know it. Other
fields are up to your choices.

That would be easy. Maybe a vcard export even?

> Just my thoughts! I was very excited to see this in my inbox and look
> around. I'm assuming with the right fields, my current system would already
> be in the right syntax to integrate with this, so I'm interested to hear
> your answers to the above.

I think so, yes. Org-contacts let you be free about how you manage your
contacts, so it should adapt to your current organization.

Great -- thanks for the response. Though, did you see my other email? I've pointed it toward my contacts.org file and it wants to keep doing something odd with agenda and asking to remove lines from the file itself. What do you think about the errors I'm getting? To duplicate:

| I just gave it a whirl, but am having a strange result. Here were my steps:
| - org-contacts.el moved to load path
| - added =(require 'org-contacts)= to .emacs
| - created ~/org/contact-example.org and used your website's example of Dave Null
| - I used org-customize to set the definition of the =org-contacts-files= variable like so:
| ,-----
| | (custom-set-variables
| | '(org-contacts-files "/home/jwhendy/org/contact-example.org"))
| `-----
| - restarted emacs and did 'M-x org-contacts' followed by typing "dave"
| - the minibuffer shows the following:
| ,-----
| | non-existent agenda file ~/org/#+startup: showeverything. [R]emove from list or [A]bort?
| `-----
| Removing the line just moves to the next line and asks if I want to remove '~/org/* Friends', then '~/org/** Dave Null' and so on.
| What am I doing wrong?

Is anyone else having that issue?

Julien Danjou