No luck.  I'll keep searching around, and I'll post if I find a solution.  

Really appreciate your help, however.

On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 9:21 AM, Nick Dokos <> wrote:
Buck Brody <> wrote:

> Nick, thanks for your help.  Unfortunately, when I try to save my customization (~/other/sha1sum.exe), I get the following message: 
> Symbol's value as variable is void: ~/other/sha1sum\.exe

I have no idea why that would be: the type of the variable is string, so
why anything is trying to interpret it as a symbol is beyond me. The
backslash before the period is also suspicious, but I don't see how it
would cause this problem. All I can suggest is:

     o try again carefully.
     o find somebody around who can help.

Alternatively, you can add this to your .emacs:

   (setq org-mobile-checksum-binary "~/other/sha1sum.exe")

Make sure that that is placed *after* you load any customization file
(or make sure that you erase any customization for this variable: click
on State and select "Erase customization").
