Hi I created the attached latex.org based on the example with pgf/tikz and it exports fine into a pdf. But export to html causes the problem, that I get only a link to the created graph. If I change :file to :file fsa.png, an image is included but it is a) very small and b) nearly completely black. I guess, it has to do with the size of the png - but how can I change it? :width and :height do not seem to have any impact. Cheers, Rainer -- NEW GERMAN FAX NUMBER!!! Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation Biology, UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany) Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology Natural Sciences Building Office Suite 2039 Stellenbosch University Main Campus, Merriman Avenue Stellenbosch South Africa Cell: +27 - (0)83 9479 042 Fax: +27 - (0)86 516 2782 Fax: +49 - (0)321 2125 2244 email: Rainer@krugs.de Skype: RMkrug Google: R.M.Krug@gmail.com