
I've just started with org-mode and have done several tutorials. But I'm stuck with this problem for 3 hours :

I have :

| item    | quantity |
| laptop  |        4 |
| desktop |        7 |
| Total   |       11 |

#+TBLFM: @4$2=vsum(@I..@II)

I insert a new line [because I will want to add a new item] (M-S down) and update the table (C-u C-c C-c) :

| item    | quantity |
| laptop  |        4 |
| desktop |        7 |
|         |       11 |
| Total   |       11 |

#+TBLFM: @4$2=vsum(@I..@II)

but my formula isn't updated automatically so the wrong field is updated. I would like the formula to become @5$2 instead of @4$2 automatically.
I've searched during 2 hours with google but found nothing :/ ... Is it possible to do it? Cause It's very annoying to update the formula "by hand" (sorry for my english)

and just a big thank you for this very powerful extension of emacs ^^.

Thank you in advance for having read,
hoping for an answer if you have a bit time,


Matt C