For my org files my linum-overlays length is equal to the number of lines on the screen so perhaps there's something you can do to get better performance. I'm not sure what setting it would be, I'm running e24 with my own complicated linum-format.


On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 9:23 PM, Marcelo de Moraes Serpa <> wrote:
4328, exactly the same amount of lines I have in the file.

On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 2:07 AM, Tassilo Horn <> wrote:
Marcelo de Moraes Serpa <> writes:

> Wow.. this worked Torsten. Thank you. I wonder why this happens...

linum-mode works with overlays to embed the numbers at the beginnig of
lines.  Overlays are very flexible but not too efficient, you don't want
to have too many of them.  Looking at linum.el, it seems it already does
pooling of overlays in order not to create one overlay for any line, but
I'm not sure.  Could you please do

 M-: (length linum-overlays) RET

in that large org file with linum-mode enabled and say what it returns
to satisfy my curiosity?
