Hello all, I would like to use helm to select tags for my headings, and I'm having a tough time getting something to work. I would like the following behavior: 1) org-set-tags-command would show a list of all tags in my agenda files using the helm interface 2) I could set one tag for each call to org-set-tags-command. I've seen posts that want to be able to multi-select tags, but I don't want to over-complicate things. Currently, I'm using helm-core 2019-05-27 and org-mode 9.2.3 I have this set: ;; Always offer all agenda tags in capture and in normal operations (setq org-complete-tags-always-offer-all-agenda-tags 't) org-set-tags-command works fine if a headline does *not* have a tag. I get helm mode with all of the tags from my agenda-files shown. However, after I assign a tag to a headline, I no longer see the list of tags when I call org-set-tags-command. Instead I see: "Tags: :currtag:" prompt and no suggestions from helm. If I remove the tag, then my tags show up again in helm, but selecting another tag will then *replace* the current tag which is not what I want. Any ideas? I have removed all #+TAGS: "fast selection" from my org-files. I have this code on my machine, but it appears not to be working: https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm/pull/1439 Thanks, --Nate