1. What's the best way to demarcate block quotes in org-mode? I'd like a way to demarcate them that makes it visually clear at a glance that it's a block quote and not regular text.

I would prefer not to have to put them inside #+BEGIN_QUOTE and #+END_QUOTE references, because I'd rather not have any content in my buffer that distracts me from my actual writing.

In Markdown-Mode, for instance, I just prefix a block quote with a > and the line automatically changes color:


Org-mode is infinitely more powerful than Markdown-Mode, so I'd just like a way to work with lots of prose and block quotes in org-mode that will be easy and visually pleasing. I'm primarily concerned about how it appears in the org-mode editor, not in export. 

2. It would also be cool to find a way to make bulleted lists appear in a different color if possible, or a workaround to simulate this.
