Thanks for your idea.
I am aware of the worg page you linked to.
I forgot to mention one other thing: I use Aquamacs, which has a hard time with the compiling-without-make stuff.  My bad; sorry.

On 25 August 2012 14:19, John Hendy <> wrote:

Can you just compile without make tools? This is what I do on Windows in combination with git, which is easier to setup than trying to get a compiler up and running, at least for me :)

Hope that helps!

On Aug 25, 2012 12:32 PM, "Filippo A. Salustri" <> wrote:
I have looked but cannot find anything especially enlightening.
I haven't yet installed Xcode on some of my Lion machines, so I haven't got 'make' everywhere.

I've been toying with trying to do the installation on my Mac server, which has Xcode, then copying the compiled stuff into the identical directory structure on my non-Xcode machines.  Any thoughts on whether that would work?

And in any case, if someone could point me at a good page explaining the Lion/Org installation, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Filippo A. Salustri, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Ryerson University
350 Victoria St, Toronto, ON
M5B 2K3, Canada
Tel: 416/979-5000 ext 7749
Fax: 416/979-5265

Filippo A. Salustri, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Ryerson University
350 Victoria St, Toronto, ON
M5B 2K3, Canada
Tel: 416/979-5000 ext 7749
Fax: 416/979-5265