This is indeed useful, thanks.

I think this may be best done by some startup code, which when installing org-plus-contrib with require-package, deletes any existing org package, and makes this dummy org package.

Would it be useful if such code appeared within the org-plus-contrib package itself, so we could have this sort of usage in our .emacs:

(require-package 'org-plus-contrib)

I'm not particularly attached to the name, but you get the point.

What do you think?


On 10 August 2017 at 07:37, Thomas S. Dye <> wrote:
In case it is useful, here is Achim's post:

From: Achim Gratz
Subject: Re: [O] Stable releases
Flags: replied, seen, list
Date: Sat Aug 22 07:44:14 2015

Thomas S. Dye writes:
> I do have a technical question that you or someone else on the list
> might be able to answer for me.  When I downloaded the Babel languages
> from melpa just now, the elpa version of Org mode was also downloaded
> and installed, even though I didn't ask for it.  Why is this?

Although you don't say which package you tried, I would guess that the
"org" package is specified as a dependency, likely with some minimum

> Can it be disabled? Must the elpa Org mode be installed and activated
> in order for the Org mode packages to work?

From the point of package manager anything installed from the outside
doesn't exist.  You can fake that in various way, for instance by
creating a package directory "org-21991231" and putting an org-pkg.el

(define-package "org" "21991231" "Fake Org package for dependency resolution" 'nil)

in it.

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Achim Gratz writes:

> Adam Porter writes:
>> I've had the same problem, I have to manually delete the extra org
>> package now and then.  I wonder if a dummy package would prevent
>> package.el from reinstalling it...
> Yes it does and I've provided instructions on how to do that quite some
> time ago on this list.
> Regards,
> Achim.

Thomas S. Dye