On Tue, Aug 1, 2017, 5:52 AM Rasmus <rasmus@gmx.us> wrote:

That is wrong IMO.  Title is mandatory in at least HTML{4,5}.


Thanks, I was not aware of that. 

AFAIR Org already allows invalid HTML document to be produced when the
TITLE is empty, as it’s translated into an empty quote.

With the new patch, wouldn't the title, that was not intended to be shown, still show up in places like browser tabs and bookmarks? I have to yet try it. 

So I was going to suggest to set title tag to empty string "" or something generic like "HTML". I don't think I would use the title:nil option. But if one needs to hide the title, I think it should not leak out of the Org document.

The right approach IMO is not printing the h1-title block, as in the
attached patch.

That would be fine if that prevents the title from showing up in browser tabs, etc. 

(In general generating the title block should be moved to something like
‘org-html-preamble-format’, though it probably shouldn’t depend on the
language of the document...)

Kaushal Modi