This requires some LaTeX plumbing work. A few tricks: First, use tabularx as suggested to stretch the columns automatically as the size of the table changes. - Use a smaller font size, such as :font \scriptsize - Enlarge the table horizontally (for example: :width 0.8\paperheight) - Put the page in landscape with the "pdflscape" package: wrap the table with "#+BEGIN_landscape ... #+END_landscape" and change :width to \paperheight - Use package "graphicx" and wrap the table in "#+LATEX: \resizebox{0.8\paperheight}{!}{ ... #+LATEX: }" to make the whole table smaller An example of the above in Org syntax (remember to call the necessary packages): #+BEGIN_landscape #+ATTR_LATEX: :options [htbp] #+BEGIN_table #+BEGIN_center #+LATEX: \resizebox{0.8\paperheight}{!}{ #+CAPTION: A big table made small #+BEGIN_threeparttable #+ATTR_LATEX: :center nil :environment tabularx :width \paperheight :align XXXXXXXX :font \scriptsize :booktabs t ... #+ATTR_LATEX: :options [flushleft] #+BEGIN_tablenotes \item[] Source: Someone on the Internet. #+END_tablenotes #+END_threeparttable #+LATEX: } #+END_center #+END_table #+END_landscape 2017-02-28 0:21 GMT+00:00 Jeremie Juste : > > Hello, > > Is there a way to resize latex table when exporting to latex? > For now my only recourse is to export the latex table copy the latex > code back to org-mode apply \scalebox. > > Do you have a more convenient way in mind? > > Best wishes, > > Jeremie > > > > > > >