Hi Tim,


First you must make sure to allow property inheritance. That can be done by setting org-attach-use-inheritance to t. Then add the DIR property to a property block for the file, or using a property keyword. I.e. either this:


#+begin_src org


  :DIR:      ~/.foo/data




#+begin_src org

  ,#+PROPERTY DIR ~/.foo/data



Running org-attach with option s will give you a prompt that will set DIR for you. If you invoke that before first headline it should result in a DIR property that applies for the whole buffer (when org-attach-use-inheritance is set to t that is). Note that property blocks before first headline is a new feature for version 9.4 and currently only exist in the master branch.





From: Emacs-orgmode <emacs-orgmode-bounces+gustav=whil.se@gnu.org> On Behalf Of Tim Visher
Sent: den 5 mars 2020 16:28
To: Emacs Org Mode mailing list <emacs-orgmode@gnu.org>
Subject: File Scoped Properties?




I'm trying to get org-attach to use a different data directory for a particular file.


My understanding is that this is controlled by `org-attach-id-dir` by default but can be overridden at the file or entry level by use of the `DIR` property. I can successfully override it at the entry level by adding `DIR` to the entries properties but I can't figure out how to set it for all entries in the file.


I tried:



#+DIR: ~/.foo/data



as the first line of the file.


I _am_ able to get it to work by adding a file local variable like


# Local Variables:
# org-attach-id-dir: "~/.foo/data"
# End:


but then whenever I open the file it tells me it's possibly not safe to set that.


Any ideas?



In Christ,

Timmy V.
