Hello! I'm loving the level of polish and sophistication that have been achieved with org-babel. My entire PhD thesis is currently written in org and org-babel, and it's the best authoring system I've ever used. That said, I have a couple of features that I regularly find myself missing. I wonder whether other folks might also find them useful. First, in terms of navigation, I would love to have keybindings under the C-c C-v prefix that would navigate to the next and previous babel blocks. org-babel-goto-named-source-block[fn:1] is great, but a) not all my blocks are named, and b) I don't always remember the name of the block I'm looking for. On that note... Currently, org-babel-goto-named-source-block doesn't currently offer any completion facilities in my setup. Is there a way to hook it into the rest of org's completion mechanisms so that I can hit tab to complete the names of my source blocks? Finally, to go along with facilities to navigate from source block to source block, I'd also make regular use of something like org-execute-src-block-and-step, which would execute the current block and then jump to the next (or previous) one. Thanks again for these excellent tools, /au Footnotes: [fn:1] This is the only function that uses "source" instead of "src" in its name. Should this be changed for consistency? -- Austin Frank http://aufrank.net GPG Public Key (D7398C2F): http://aufrank.net/personal.asc