Hi all-- I'm very excited about a relatively new R package, tikzDevice. This takes R graphics and generates LaTeX code inside a tikzpicture environment that reproduces the desired graphic. This allows, among other things, for all text in a figure to use the same fonts as the rest of your document, and for graph annotations to use latex math markup. I have attached an example org file that has embedded R code that generates figures using the tikz() device.[fn:1] The output from a call to tikz() is a .tex file, which is intended to be included in a larger LaTeX file using the \input{} command. How would the org-babel gurus suggest that I automate the process of embedding these TeX-based graphics in an org file? What is the right combination of :file, :exports, and :results arguments to have the generated file automatically included by a LaTeX \input{} command? Thanks for any advice! /au Footnotes: [fn:1] If requested, I can send the generated tex and pdf files as well