For example (noticing the last line '#+end_example' is not indented with two space) * test #+BEGIN_SRC sh :results output seq 10 #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: #+begin_example 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 #+end_example By reading the source code, I think 'indent-rigidly' doesn't the correct end bound so the last line is not indented (defun org-babel-insert-result (result &optional result-params info hash lang) ... (org-babel-examplify-region beg end results-switches inline) (setq end (point)) ... (indent-rigidly beg end indent) ... ) 'org-babel-examplify-region' wraps the result within #+begin_example..#+end_example but doesn't move the point forward by one line because of using save-excursion. I attach a patch which uses the marker 'end' to track where the result block ends, instead of (point). I have tested it against Emacs 24.5 and 25.2 slightly.