13.10.6 Images in LaTeX export

The LaTeX export backend processes image links in Org files that do not have descriptions, such as these links ‘[[file:img.jpg]]’ or ‘[[./img.jpg]]’, as direct image insertions in the final PDF output. In the PDF, they are no longer links but actual images embedded on the page. The LaTeX export backend uses ‘\includegraphics’ macro to insert the image. But for TikZ (https://sourceforge.net/projects/pgf/) images, the backend uses an \input macro wrapped within a tikzpicture environment.

For specifying image ‘:width’, ‘:height’, ‘:scale’ and other ‘:options’, use this syntax:

#+ATTR_LATEX: :width 5cm :options angle=90

A ‘:scale’ attribute overrides both ‘:width’ and ‘:height’ attributes.

For custom commands for captions, use the ‘:caption’ attribute. It overrides the default ‘#+CAPTION’ value:

#+ATTR_LATEX: :caption \bicaption{HeadingA}{HeadingB}

When captions follow the method as described in Captions, the LaTeX export backend wraps the picture in a floating ‘figure’ environment. To float an image without specifying a caption, set the ‘:float’ attribute to one of the following:


For a default ‘figure’ environment.


To span the image across multiple columns of a page; the backend wraps the image in a ‘figure*’ environment.


For text to flow around the image on the right; the figure occupies the left half of the page.


For a new page with the image sideways, rotated ninety degrees, in a ‘sidewaysfigure’ environment; overrides ‘:placement’ setting.


To avoid a ‘:float’ even if using a caption.

Any arbitrary value

For example, a user-defined float type with the ‘float’ LaTeX package.

Use the ‘placement’ attribute to modify a floating environment’s placement.

#+ATTR_LATEX: :float wrap :width 0.38\textwidth :placement {r}{0.4\textwidth}

The LaTeX export backend centers all images by default. Setting ‘:center’ to ‘nil’ disables centering. To disable centering globally, set org-latex-images-centered to ‘nil’.

Set the ‘:comment-include’ attribute to non-nil value for the LaTeX export backend to comment out the ‘\includegraphics’ macro.