13.8.2 Beamer specific export settings

Beamer export backend has several additional keywords for customizing Beamer output. These keywords work similar to the general options settings (see Export Settings).


The Beamer layout theme (org-beamer-theme). Use square brackets for options. For example:

#+BEAMER_THEME: Rochester [height=20pt]

The Beamer font theme.


The Beamer inner theme.


The Beamer outer theme.


Arbitrary lines inserted in the preamble, just before the ‘hyperref’ settings.


The document description. For long descriptions, use multiple ‘DESCRIPTION’ keywords. By default, ‘hyperref’ inserts ‘DESCRIPTION’ as metadata. Use org-latex-hyperref-template to configure document metadata. Use org-latex-title-command to configure typesetting of description as part of front matter.


The keywords for defining the contents of the document. Use multiple ‘KEYWORDS’ lines if necessary. By default, ‘hyperref’ inserts ‘KEYWORDS’ as metadata. Use org-latex-hyperref-template to configure document metadata. Use org-latex-title-command to configure typesetting of keywords as part of front matter.


Document’s subtitle. For typesetting, use org-beamer-subtitle-format string. Use org-latex-hyperref-template to configure document metadata. Use org-latex-title-command to configure typesetting of subtitle as part of front matter.