12.2 Emphasis and Monospace

You can make words ‘*bold*’, ‘/italic/’, ‘_underlined_’, ‘=verbatim=’ and ‘~code~’, and, if you must, ‘+strike-through+’. Text in the code and verbatim string is not processed for Org specific syntax; it is exported verbatim. Org provides a single command as entry point for inserting the marker character.

C-c C-x C-f (org-emphasize)

Prompt for a marker character and insert or change an emphasis. If there is an active region, change that region to a new emphasis. If there is no region, just insert the marker characters and position the cursor between them.

To turn off fontification for marked up text, you can set org-fontify-emphasized-text to nil. To narrow down the list of the fontified markup syntax, you can customize org-emphasis-alist107.

To hide the emphasis markup characters in your buffers, set org-hide-emphasis-markers to t.

Sometimes, when marked text also contains the marker character itself, the result may be unsettling. For example,

/One may expect this whole sentence to be italicized, but the
following ~user/?variable~ contains =/= character, which effectively
stops emphasis there./

You can use zero width space to help Org sorting out the ambiguity. See Escape Character for more details.



The markup will still be recognized. Just not highlighted visually in Emacs.