13.10.1 LaTeX/PDF export commands

C-c C-e l l (org-latex-export-to-latex)

Export to a LaTeX file with a ‘.tex’ extension. For ‘myfile.org’, Org exports to ‘myfile.tex’, overwriting without warning.

C-c C-e l L (org-latex-export-as-latex)

Export to a temporary buffer. Do not create a file.

C-c C-e l p (org-latex-export-to-pdf)

Export as LaTeX file and convert it to PDF file.

C-c C-e l o

Export as LaTeX file and convert it to PDF, then open the PDF using the default viewer.

M-x org-export-region-as-latex

Convert the region to LaTeX under the assumption that it was in Org mode syntax before. This is a global command that can be invoked in any buffer.

The LaTeX export backend can use any of these LaTeX engines: ‘pdflatex’, ‘xelatex’, and ‘lualatex’. These engines compile LaTeX files with different compilers, packages, and output options. The LaTeX export backend finds the compiler version to use from org-latex-compiler variable or the ‘#+LATEX_COMPILER’ keyword in the Org file. See the docstring for the org-latex-default-packages-alist for loading packages with certain compilers. Also see org-latex-bibtex-compiler to set the bibliography compiler138.



This does not allow setting different bibliography compilers for different files. However, “smart” LaTeX compilation systems, such as latexmk, can select the correct bibliography compiler.