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Org-Mode Merge Tool

Proposal created April 6 2012

Emacs-Orgmode Git merge tool for Org Files

Short description: The purpose of the project is to create a specialized Git merge driver for plain text Org-Mode formatted files. A merge driver is a program which will combine two versions of a file based off of a common ancestor into a single file, marking conflicting changes within. A specialized merge driver for Org-Mode files will be able to leverage the structure to understand the effects of modifications on the integrity of sections. The merge driver will solidify Org-Mode as a tool for collaborative work.

Contact Information

  • Andrew Young
  • youngar17 at gmail dot com
  • on freenode irc #org-mode, Pwyl

The name of the project

Emacs-orgmode - Git merge tool for Org Files

The original idea can be found on the Org-Mode GSoC 2012 ideas page, here.


Org mode is an extension to the emacs text editor that adds organizer functionality. Orgmode is implemented as an emacs major mode, written in ELisp, making it available on all platforms Emacs is. One of the key benefits of Org-Mode is that it uses human readable plain-text files, meaning the format will always be free and never proprietary.

The project is to create an extension to Org-Mode which will act as a merge driver for Org-Mode files. A merge driver is a program which will combine two versions of a file based off of a common ancestor into a single file, marking conflicting changes within. A specialized merge driver for Org-Mode files will be able to leverage the file structure to understand the effects of modifications on the integrity of sections.

The main use of a merge driver is for use in collaborative writing, and it will be compatible with Git, Mercurial, and Bazaar. The merge driver will solidify Org-Mode as a tool for collaborative work.


By completing this project, it will extend the uses and capabilities of Org-Mode. This tool will allow people to easily use Org-Mode in collaborative projects, and combine conflicting versions of a file into a single file.

Software developers will now be able to use Org-Mode with their projects, allowing them to create documentation and notes in the same repository as their code, and allow Org-Mode to become an integral part of the software development process. Bringing Org-Mode's utility to software-development projects will boost any programmer's productivity.

The sucessful completion of this project will bring all the advantages of version control software to Org-Mode users in any environment. Version control software will enable simple backing up, tracking, and visitation of previous versions of Org-Mode files.

This project will increase the potential userbase of Org-Mode, which will help promote GNU Software and the Free Software Foundation. Aswell, GNU will benefit from this project by having access to quality code which could be used as a basis for more merge drivers.


The main deliverable for this project is the source code for a merge driver which specializes in merging Org-Mode files. The merge driver should be able to leverage the structure of Org-Mode files to merge files without conflicts.

Documentation will also be created which explains how to install the merge driver, and set it up for use in version controlled projects. This documentation will added in the official Org-Mode documentation, available at the project webpage. Code documentation, which explains methodology and contribution information, will be located at the project page. The project webpage will be hosted on Worg, a section of the Org-Mode webpage.

I do not expect this project to require any contributions or changes to Org-Mode's codebase. If contributions are neccessary, I will create Git-patches and submit them to the developers. For a more detailed list of what will be done, please see section 'Project Plan' below.


My mentor will be able to track my progress through repository commits, milestone progress, and personal progress communications. Midterm evaluations can be conducted by evaluating the quality of the code I have produced and my progress towards creating the end product.

My final school exam is April 23, and I will begin working on this project immediately. The GSoC Schedule indicates students begin coding May 21, but I will start working before that. There are no periods over the course of this project where I expect to not be available to work.

Project Plan

The creation of supporting documentation and testing for each project step are included as part of that step, and so there is no dedicated stage for documenting and testing.

Introductory Period

(April 23 – May 21)

During this period I will review previous art, and become fully familiar with OrgMode files and any addons and plugins which may influence my work (Babel, MobileOrg, etc.). This includes research into object representation, and command language representation. A quick proof of concept be created. The project page, code repository, and other framework will be created.

Org-Mode Data Representation

(May 22 - 27)

The deliverable for this part of the project is to create a representation of org-mode files, and a data manipulation language for working with them. The completness and thoroughness of this deliverable is to be decided according to the determined potential usefullness to other users. The data representation may vary greatly with the language used. Fundamental to this stage will be the use of org-element.el, which is a parser and interface for Org-Mode data.

Org-Mode File Processor Parser

(May 28 - 31)

The deliverable for this stage is a program (algorithm) which will turn an Org-Mode file into a set of objects and relationships. The parser will create objects using the OrgMode Data Representation above.

Create Basic Modification Guesser

(June 1 - 15)

This stage will create a list of modification actions which a user might perform on an OrgMode file. The deliverable will be a modification guesser which tries to create a list of modifications. The modifications actually detected at this stage will be very basic. This step should lay the ground work for defining more modification types, and advanced detection methods.

Create Modification Merger

(June 16 – June 30)

The deliverable for this stage is a program which takes a list of object modifications and objects, and combines them together. This step will combine all modification actions into a single file. It will generate conflicts for unmergable modifications.

Enhance Modification Guesser

(July 1 – July 16)

This is the really complicated stage of the whole project. At this stage, the modification guesser will be enhanced to be able to recognize a greater amount of modifications. For example, and 'remove' and 'add' action of an identical heading may be recognized as a 'move' action. The modification merger will have to be modified to properly handle new modification types. At this stage, the modification guesser will only mark modifications it is sure of.

Further Modification Guesser Enhancements

(July 16 – July 29)

At this stage, the modification guesser will be extended to use fuzzy logic to guess at modifications. For example, calculate the probability that a tree is just a modified version of another tree, and if probable enough, add the modification (if not probable they will be considered seperate 'add's and 'remove's possibly causing a conflict in the final merge).

Further Enhancements

(July 30 – August 5)

This stage will include all optional features thought up as the project progresses. It could include Emacs mode that generates a modification list, so the merger program does not have to guess at the modifications, or the automatic use of IDs created by MobileOrg to recognize nodes.

Project Finish

(August 6 - 13)

This stage will be for final review and testing. It is expected during this stage to make an official release. This stage is meant to handle all finishing touches needed for a release.

The project should end seven days before August 20, which is the day of “Firm Pencils Down”.


During my work on this project, I will be active on the IRC chanel #org-mode, and in the Org-Mode developers mailing list. I think that it would be a good idea to have weekly meetings to discuss current progress and diffculties. Both email and IRC are my preferred ways of contact, although I can be reached by phone, on Skype, and gabber. I am willing to use any other forms of communication which my mentor thinks will help. If neccessary, I can change my sleeping cycle if my mentor lives in a different time zone (I am well practiced at living with odd sleeping times).

My code will be made publicly available. If my mentor has no preference for where the source code is kept, I will use GitHub or Google Code services to host a repository. All documentation will be publicly available at the project webpage or in the official Org-Mode documentation, as outlined above.


This project immediately stood out to me when i saw it. I regularly use Git to host personal projects with my friends, and use Org-Mode to organize myself and these projects. I have personally experienced the problem which this project is trying to solve. I find the concept of parsing text files into data structures interesting, as well as the mechanics behind 3-way merges, and fuzzy string matching.

When the project is finished, I will be happy to maintain it. This would mean fixing bugs, keeping it compatable with the current version of Org-Mode, and lastly adding new features.

I am a level 4 year Software Engineering and Management student at McMaster University (Hamilton Ontario, Canada). I have never worked on free software before, or any large public projects, but have always wanted to.

This project will require knowledge of diff merging, Org-Mode file structure and use, command representation (for listing file modifications), fuzzy logic and probability. Of these things, I will need to make sure my knowledge of Org-Mode file structure is complete, learn fuzzy logic and string matching.

Documentation from the orgmode.org/worg/ website (either in its HTML format or in its Org format) is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3 or later. The code examples and css stylesheets are licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 or later.