PlantUML Code Blocks in Babel
Babel support for PlantUML
is a Java component for creating Unified Modeling Language
(UML) diagrams and several non-UML diagrams with a simple language.
Diagram images can be generated in PNG, SVG, and LaTeX formats.
is integrated with a wide variety of software applications.
Babel is a standard way to use PlantUML in Emacs.
Requirements and Setup
blocks can be executed in one of two ways, requiring either
- a working Java installation and access to the
component or - the
executable available from your distribution's package manager
A working GraphViz installation is required for many diagrams.
Emacs has plantuml-mode, a major mode for editing PlantUML sources.
There are detailed installation instructions, as well as instructions
for integration with Org. While plantuml-mode does allow use of a
remote server to render the diagram, please note that ob-plantuml
not currently support this functionality.
You will likely want to set the variables plantuml-jar-path
with the path to your local installation of
. Alternatively, set the variable plantuml-default-exec-mode
to executable
to use your local plantuml
Activate evaluation of PlantUML
source code blocks by adding
to org-babel-load-languages
(org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages '((plantuml . t))) ; this line activates plantuml
Babel Features for PlantUML Code Blocks
Header Arguments
code blocks default to :results file
and :exports results
If you wish to export the PlantUML
code block to a file, you must
specify a :file
header argument. Alternatively, if you set :results
to a value other than file
, such as :results verbatim
, then the ASCII
output will be inserted into the buffer below the code block.
has these language-specific header arguments:
- cmdline
- specify command line arguments for
- java
- arguments for the
runtimes (JRE)
does not support sessions.
Result Types
When the :file
header argument has been specified, PlantUML
blocks return a link to the generated file. Alternatively, if
is set to a value other than file
, then the generated ASCII
diagram will be inserted into the buffer.
Examples of Use
Here is the obligatory Hello World! example in PlantUML
The PlantUML
code block in the Org buffer:
#+begin_src plantuml :file images/hello-uml.png Bob -> Alice : Hello World! #+end_src
HTML output of the PlantUML
code block:
Bob -> Alice : Hello World!

Here is an example using a theme.
The PlantUML
code block in the Org buffer:
#+begin_src plantuml :file images/theme-uml.png !theme spacelab a -> b b -> c #+end_src
PNG output of the PlantUML
code block:
!theme spacelab a -> b b -> c

Here is an example of ASCII output inserted directly into the buffer.
The PlantUML
code block in the Org buffer:
#+begin_src plantuml :results verbatim Bob -> Alice : Hello World! #+end_src
ASCII output of the PlantUML
code block:
,---. ,-----. |Bob| |Alice| `-+-' `--+--' | Hello World! | |-------------->| ,-+-. ,--+--. |Bob| |Alice| `---' `-----'