Org Media Type
1. Introduction
This page tracks information about the .org
extension media type.
Based on this thread on the Org mode mailing list, the consensus is
that the .org
file extension should map to the text/org
MIME type.
Until the Org syntax spec is complete and a proposal submitted to and
approved by IANA, we can ask downstream MIME libraries to override
with text/org
2. Downstream MIME Libraries
2.1. jshttp/mime-db - NodeJS
jshttp/mime-db is the de facto standard MIME database for NodeJS.
This commit adds a mapping from .org
to text/x-org
, but the two
popular NodeJS utilities for getting a MIME type from a file
extension, jshttp/mime-types and broofa/mime, return
. Both libraries return only the
highest preference media type, and IANA-sourced media types are
preferred over other types.