13.12.2 ODT export commands

C-c C-e o o (org-odt-export-to-odt)

Export as OpenDocument Text file.

If org-odt-preferred-output-format is specified, the ODT export backend automatically converts the exported file to that format.

For ‘myfile.org’, Org exports to ‘myfile.odt’, overwriting without warning. The ODT export backend exports a region only if a region was active.

If the selected region is a single tree, the ODT export backend makes the tree head the document title. Incidentally, C-c @ selects the current subtree. If the tree head entry has, or inherits, an ‘EXPORT_FILE_NAME’ property, the ODT export backend uses that for file name.

C-c C-e o O

Export as an OpenDocument Text file and open the resulting file.

If org-export-odt-preferred-output-format is specified, open the converted file instead. See Automatically exporting to other formats.