Org mode for GNU Emacs
Org is a highly flexible structured plain text file format, composed of a few simple, yet versatile, structures — constructed to be both simple enough for the novice and powerful enough for the expert.
Get a glimpse of the expressive power Org offers in the example below. Click the headings and links to discover how Org intelligently folds structural content.
#+title: Example Org File #+author: TEC #+date: 2020-10-27
Headings and folding make structured editing a breeze.
Plain text makes it easy to sync and version control Org files.
* Revamp website
Headings and folding make structured editing a breeze. Plain text makes it easy to sync and version control Org files.Agenda
List todos across all your files. Filter content, and update it in place.The /beauty/ of org *must* be shared.
** DONE Make screenshots
CLOSED: [2020-09-03 Thu 18:24]
** DONE Restyle Site CSS
Go through [[file:style.scss][stylesheet]]
** TODO Check CSS on main pages
* Learn Org
Org makes easy things trivial and complex things practical. You don't need to learn Org before using Org: read the quickstart page and you should be good to go. If you need more, Org will be here for you as well: dive into the manual and join the community!
** Feedback
#+include: "other/*manual" :only-contents t
* Check CSS minification ratios
Perform literate programming in org, with notebook-like live code execution in the buffer.#+begin_src python
from pathlib import Path cssRatios = [] for css_min in Path("resources/style").glob("*.min.css"): css = css_min.with_suffix('').with_suffix('.css') cssRatios.append([, "{:.0f}% minified ({:4.1f} KiB)".format( 100 * css_min.stat().st_size / css.stat().st_size, css_min.stat().st_size / 1000)]) return cssRatios
Evaluated results
| index.css | 76% minified ( 1.4 KiB) |
| org-demo.css | 77% minified ( 2.8 KiB) |
| errors.css | 74% minified ( 4.9 KiB) |
| org.css | 75% minified (10.7 KiB) |
Further reading
Beyond the quickstart and the manual, Org has a guide and a wealth of community-written documentation on Worg .
Nearly every Org user has a story to tell about how Org enables and empowers them — some have found it so useful that they have written (scientific) papers about the value of Org for conducting reproducible research. Some have produced third party tools to enjoy Org outside of Emacs, such as mobile applications.
More Org
The de facto mimetype for Org files is text/org
. Org files use the
extension. Most operating systems don't know to open .org
files in Emacs, but they can be configured to do so without much
While the reference implementation of Org in Emacs lisp is by far the most featureful, there are many additional tools that work with Org.
Project heartbeat
New features:
<No new features added to Org mode recently>
- Announcements:
- Bastien: Ihor is now officially the new Org maintainer (Sat Dec 07 08:23:33 UTC 2024)
- Ihor Radchenko: #12 [[bbb:OrgMeetup on Wed, Oct 9, 19:00 UTC+3]] (Sat Oct 26 09:50:47 UTC 2024)
- Bastien Guerry: Org Capturing Introduction (Mon Feb 26 09:42:48 UTC 2024)
- Discussions:
- Zoey Hewll: org-read-date-style (Mon Feb 17 11:10:21 UTC 2025)
- Ihor Radchenko: Rewriting org-pcomplete into capf backend (was: Completions Registry) (Fri Dec 27 17:16:16 UTC 2024)
- Ihor Radchenko: Allow SPC to scroll todo/tag selection menu - for users with huge accessible fonts (was: Transient: accessibility problems for users who need to use large fonts (was: [RFC] The best way to choose an "action" at point: context-menu-mode, transient, which-key or embark? (was: Fwd: Org-cite: Replace basic follow-processor with transient menu?))) (Thu Dec 19 18:04:52 UTC 2024)
- Ihor Radchenko: Documenting ob-fortran, ob-forth, ob-sed, ob-ocaml, ob-ruby, and ob-sass (was: [TASK] Move babel backend docs from WORG to Org manual) (Sat Dec 14 06:59:19 UTC 2024)
- Ihor Radchenko: The best way to choose an "action" at point: context-menu-mode, transient, which-key or embark? (was: Fwd: Org-cite: Replace basic follow-processor with transient menu?) (Fri Dec 13 18:43:13 UTC 2024)
- Recent blog posts (from 2025-03-24 Emacs news):
- TAONAW - Emacs and Org Mode: back in the groove
- Irreal: Emacs for creative non-techies who want to get off Google Docs
- org-capture de emacs en español 🇪🇦 (23:05)
- Listful Andrew: Splurge — Track your expenses with a simple Org table (Emacs package)
- Comment ajouter une tâche à votre agenda org ? #orgmode #agenda #emacs #gnu #productivity #organized (00:59)
- Sacha Chua: Org Mode: Merge top-level items in an item list
- org-mode TABLE spreadsheet plot (無音) (06:15)
- indexed: Distilled the performant parts of org-node into a library (Reddit)
- Import, export, and integration:
- Doom + Org: use clipboard for titled link or webpage content as subtree
- Sharing Org Roam content
- How I Wrote This Website (
- Grant Rettke: I Need Your Help Adding org-utf-to-xetex to MELPA
- ~taingram/org-publish-rss - Automatically generate RSS feeds for org-publish projects - sourcehut git (
- Simple agenda, not in Emacs only (about "pal" program)
- John Rakestraw | Using the HTML details disclosure element (
Worg, a World of Org
Org and Org-mode have so many use cases that it is simply not possible to easily document them, let alone show them all off on a single page. As a result, Worg serves as a community wiki and provides a place to document and share information about all aspects of using and working with Org.
For example, Worg contains:
- The FAQ
- Org hacks
- A list of tutorials
- Documentation on all hooks, commands and options
- Org in the wild
- …and much more
Worg is maintained as a Git repository of Org files that are published as an HTML website. New contributors are welcome.
~$ git clone
Joining the mailing list
Org mailing list is the central place where to connect with Org community. You can subscribe to the list and browse the list archive on or on this mailman page.
If you are not a subscriber to the list, you can still send an email to, we will add you to the whitelist of people who can reach the list.
You can read more on the mailing list and more information on Org news on the social web.
You can also connect with other org-thusiasts via IRC at #org-mode
The full list of contributors to Org mode is maintained in Worg and you can also check the manual's acknowledgments.
Doom, Spacemacs, Scimax and popular configs
The Emacs starter kits Doom, Spacemacs and Scimax come with a curated
set of packages and configurations that aim to enhance Org mode (and
Emacs more generally) for particular use cases. They include Org
along with integrations between org-mode
and other modes (such as
). Here are links to the current packages included with
Doom, and Spacemacs. Scimax is deeply integrated with Org so a good
place to start is the manual. Doom installs a version of Org that is
close to the development HEAD
, while Spacemacs and Scimax track org
Starter kits often make significant changes to the default user experience for Emacs. If you are looking for something closer to vanilla Emacs there are popular configs such as Purcell's emacs.d that include org-mode customization and Org-related packages.
In Other Editors, Android, iOS
While the full set of Org features is currently exclusive to Emacs, basic functionality for Org files has been implemented for a variety of editors and mobile apps. Here are some extensions and apps that enable support for Org files.
- Vim : orgmode.nvim, vim-orgmode, and org.vim
- VS Codium : vscode-org-mode
- Android : Orgzly Revived, Orgro, Org Note
- iOS : MobileOrg, Orgro
- Web : Organice (progressive web app), Org Note